3rd Edition by Jeffrey Young, Ph.D (2005); Adapted by City Gate LRC, Inc. 2019
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Please allow for 20 minutes or more to complete; we recommend doing so in a quiet place where you can relax and concentrate well. There are 18 sections. Instructions are as follows:
Listed below are statements that someone might use to describe him or herself. Please read each statement and decide how well it describes you ON THE WORST DAYS OF YOUR LIFE.  

When you are not sure, base your answer on what you emotionally FEEL, not on what you THINK to be true. If you desire, reword the statement so that it would be even more accurate in describing you (but do not change the basic meaning of the question).

Then choose the rating from 1 to 6 that most describes you on a bad day.

1 = Completely untrue of me
2 = Mostly untrue of me
3 = Slightly more true than untrue
4 = Moderately true of me
5 = Mostly true of me
6 = Describes me perfectly

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