Open House
Open House is a fantastic opportunity to bring exposure to your student organization. This year, we are expecting 10,000 people to attend. Through your meaningful interactions at the Open House, our prospective students will want to stay in touch with you and learn more about your student organization once they are admitted.

Open House
Saturday, September 16, 2017
8 am - 2 pm
UIC Quad

RSVP by Wednesday, July 26, 2017
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Registration Information
Student Organization *
Name of student(s) attending *
Please separate all individuals with a comma.
What time will this student be attending from? *
Please specify who and what time the students will be at Open House.
Email Address *
Please provide email addresses for all that are attending.
Cell Phone Number *
If more than one person is attending, please specify to whom number the cell phone belongs.
Will your student organization be handing out anything to students? *
Note: all handouts and marketing materials should be sent to Joey Maman at
Please Note:
1) Make sure everyone that is attending Open House is dressed business casual.
2) If you have any questions, please email Joey Maman at

Thank you!
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