Property Practitioner Benchmarking Quiz
  • At Realtor Support Centre, our mission is to improve the viability of Realtors across the globe. We developed a benchmarking tool, to convert your assumptions into a 5-year financial projection, enabling you to project the financial outcome of your decisions, and then see if we can play a role improving it.
  • Our goal is for you to earn more, from what you are doing already, working smarter and not harder, enabling you to do more deals and earn passive income without having to change your employment.
  • If you are serious about your future, take the first step towards a life changing experience, by completing this benchmarking Questionnaire and receive your FREE NO OBLIGATION 5-year projection. 
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Rest assured we would never share your personal info with 3rd parties. You are welcome to phone Gert at 082 3747 215 or email me at for any enquiries. Alternatively you can phone Aileen at 061 520 6612.
Realtor Support Centre
Q1 Please rate the following in order of what is important to you, with 1 the most important up to 7 the least important. *
System for lead generation
Commission Split
Still earning when stop working
Sharing in the Profit of the company
Market exposure
Quantity & Quality Training
Support from leading organisation
Q2 How do you rate your existing work environment with regards to these factors? *
Above Average
Below Average
Don't have
System to generate leads
Commission Split
Still earning when stop working
Sharing in the profit of company
Market Exposure
Quantity & Quality Training
Support from leading organisation
Q3 Tick the blocks if your existing company provides you with the following opportunities. *
Q4 In your opinion, how much do you think the average deal size is in your area? *
Q5 How many deals do you think the average agent makes in a year in your area? *
Q6 From your answer in Q5, how many deals do you think represents selling their own listings themselves, and how many from 3rd party involvement? *
Q7 When they share a transaction with another agency, what % split of the commission do you think the agent that listed the property requires? *
Q8 What do you think is the average commission % on transactions in your area? *
Q9 What is your commission split % at the company you work for? *
Q10 What % of the commission is your company prepared to pay for referrals? *
Q11 How much is your commission target (before company split) for the next year? (not compulsory to answer)
Q12 Do you have a desk fee, and if so, how much per month? *
Q13 Should you consider making a career move, what would your  requirements and/or conditions be? *
Q14 Please indicate the Country, City / Town and area you are serving as property practitioner at the moment? *
Q15 Your Name and Surname *
Thank you for investing your time in taking taking charge of your future.  We are looking forward in sending you your 5 year NO OBLIGATION projections, based on the information you provided.
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