NC State Postdoc & House Officer Exit Survey
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) & the Graduate School value your feedback on the postdoctoral experience at North Carolina State University.
We also would like to hear about your future career plans.

The data you provide us will help improve the postdoctoral experience at NC State by effectively allowing OPA and the Graduate School to create programming that best fits the careers our postdocs most often transition into. Furthermore, your data helps us better educate current postdocs, university administrators, and faculty on the careers our postdocs are mostly likely to pursue after their time at NC State.

The data you provide will only be presented in aggregate and not be easily identifiable. Your name will never be used in any formally presented data.
We ask for your name and contact information for two main reasons:
1) So that we can more effectively keep track of postdoc alumni. We believe building a postdoctoral alumni network provides value to current and past postdocs.
2) So that we can link postdoc career interests data collected at entry to career pursued at exit. This data helps us better understand how postdoc career interests change over time.
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By checking the box below, I acknowledge that my de-identified data may be used in presentations by OPA & the Graduate School and potentially shared with NC State college and departmental officials to better educate them on the postdoctoral experience and career outcomes of their postdocs. *
First Name(s) *
Last Name(s) *
What is a non-NCSU email address where we can reach you in the future? *
Do you have a LinkedIn account?
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Please include the URL for your LinkedIn account (if you don't have a LinkedIn, enter NA): *
In which college or organization was your postdoctoral appointment? *
What was the home department(s) of your postdoc appointment? *
What was the name of your supervisor/PI(s)?
What was the length of your postdoc appointment at NC State University? Please enter in months (number values only; ex: 1 year = 12). *
Was your postdoc supported by an international visa (J1, F1, H1B, etc...)? *
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