Identification of lifelong career guidance centres in Europe
This questionnaire will help us to identify and map lifelong career guidance centres such as Cités des métiers, one-stop-shop centres and other online, onsite spaces where organisations in the fields of education, training, employment, and business development.
We are seeking to identify centres operating under multi-partnership management. This will allow us to identify how we can collaborate with you in our Erasmus+ KEEP IN PACT project, in particular by identifying good practices. In addition, it will allow you to promote the existence and objectives of your centre in several European countries, and to promote your activities on a European level.
For any question/doubt, please contact:
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About the centre
Name of the centre *
Full address (street, street number, postal code, city and country) *
Legal status *
Opening date and hours (to citizens) *
Objectives *
Fields of intervention (one or more options) *
Target audiences (one or more options) *
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