Warzone Eternal Survey
We have decided to cancel the current Warzone Eternal Kickstarter campaign to retool aspects of the campaign and the game to respond to requests and comments by the backers. With your input we'll best be able to return with something exciting for Warzone fans new and old.
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How did you feel about the campaign overall?
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At what level did you back Warzone Eternal?
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What was you reason for backing at this level?
Did our initial offering meet your expectations?
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What did you feel was lacking from our initial offering?
What did you feel was lacking from the Kickstarter campaign?
Would you have preferred the campaign to instead offer "starter armies" for the released factions?
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Did you like that the unit boxes allowed you to construct your models for two different unit types?
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If you liked, or didn't like, the unit box compositions, why is that?
Would you like to be added to our mailing list for future news, including the relaunch of Warzone Eternal?
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If yes, please enter your email address below.
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