Fields of Dreams 2021 Summer Camp Application- Simon Elementary
Fields of Dreams Summer camp is free to D.C. residents!  The program is focused on academic enrichment, nutrition awareness, character education, and baseball knowledge and instruction.  It is our hope to instill an interest in baseball and softball for D.C. youth.  The fabric of our program is based on the values that guided the life of Jackie Robinson on and off the baseball field, as written about by his daughter Sharon in her book Jackie’s Nine.
Camp Dates:
Week 1 take place July 12th - July 16th , Monday - Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm.

Weeks 2-4 will take July 19th - August 6th , Monday - Friday, 1:00pm-4:30pm( following summer school at Simon)

If your child is a rising 6th grader and would like to join, they can attend all day the first week and in the afternoon for the next three weeks.

If your child is a current 5th grader and you would like for them to attend  an all day camp, Please email, to receive an application to attend our program at Malcolm X which will run from 9am to 4:30 PM. from July 6th to August 6th.


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