Digital Public Infrastructure for Electoral Processes
We want to create and enable an international alliance to advocate, design and implement building blocks for a Digital Public Infrastructure for Electoral Processes. The goal of the alliance is to create open by design technology that can be reused to make democratic processes more trustworthy, resilient, and transparent.

Please help us by completing this survey. All information provided will only be used by Open Knowledge Foundation only, and will not be shared with any third parties.
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Do you think the main problems at the intersection of elections and digital infrastructure in your Country are related to: *
Are you currently working on any project tackling the above problems related to electoral processes? If yes, please share any relevant links.
Do you know of any project tackling the above mentioned problems worth looking into? If yes, can you please share any relevant links and/or contacts?
Are there any recent developments or problems in your Country related to elections and digital infrastructure? (E.g.: data leaks, closed data sets, machines failures…). If yes, can you please share relevant media links reporting about it?
When are the next elections happening in your country?
Are you planning to work on them?
Do you consent to be added to a mailing list related to the topic of digital public infrastructure for electoral processes ? 
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