MIT Distribution: Our Ancestors Did Not Breathe This Air
If you are a current MIT affiliate and would like to be notified of when and where to pick up your FREE COPY of Our Ancestors Did Not Breathe This Air on campus, please fill out this form. We will email you with information about the distribution closer to when the book arrives.

Note: books will be available on a first come, first serve basis.

Projected partially funded by MIT MindHandHeart and Council of the Arts at MIT (CAMIT).
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Our Ancestors Did Not Breathe This Air
by Afeefah Khazi-Syed, Aleena Shabbir, Ayse Guvenilir, Maisha Prome, Mariam Dogar, Marwa Abdulhai
From the scents of a bustling street market in India to the warmth of stories rooted in Venezuela to snippets of college days shared at MIT, the poetry in this book features an ache for grounds no longer walked upon. With a range of distinct styles and voices, the poets’ nuanced self-expression amounts to a piece that is both a prayer and a rebellion. Their words, introspective and reminiscing, witty and thoughtful, are an ode to that which makes them who they are and where they come from. Simultaneously, their voices are a rejection of dangerous stigmas, cultural taboos, and oppressive systems. In both verse and image, Our Ancestors Did Not Breathe This Air is a bold and unfiltered collection recounting moments, tears, and dreams that have been generations in the making.
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