Student Car Rider Tag Request
In our efforts to streamline student drop-off and pick-up on campus, families will now be required to have a tag on display to pick up students during release times.  Students will be assigned a number and families will be provided 3 tags for use with the submission of this form.  This number will carry with the student from school year to school year.

Please fill out the below questions regarding student pick-up.  Only 1 form is needed for each household.

Please note that any student needing picked up from Albion Campus is required to have a tag, including any K-2 Primary Student who shuttles back for pick-up.  Vehicles without a tag will be directed to park and will not be allowed to pick up students in the pick-up line but instead must wait for buses to release and proceed to the Elementary Office.

Any questions regarding new pick-up procedures should be directed to Amy Young, Transportation director by calling 260-636-2175 or by email at
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