Class Sign Up
We can't wait to dance with you! Please fill in the form below to book your place and we will get you booked in for a trial session :)

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Email *
Childs Name *
Child's Age *
Location *
What style of dance would they like to learn? *
Please note that Ballet and Jazz combo classes are for children 1-7yrs & Ballet, Jazz & Musical Theatre Combo classes are for children 7 -18yrs
When is their birthday? *
Parent / Guardians Details 
Tell us a bit about you. Email is our main source of communication but we occasionally send birthday cards and thing by post too. 
Parent/ Guardians Name *
Your Address  *
Main contact number *
Emergency Contacts name (used if main contact unavailable ) i.e Dad Steve, Nanny Jean
Emergency Contact number (used if main contact unavailable ) *
Who can pick them up?
Anyone who can NOT pick them up?
Can your child leave without supervision?
Only applicable for the older classes 
Allergies *
Plaster permission (can we apply a plaster as part of first aid) *
General Info
These last few questions are just to get to know you and your budding dance a little bit better
How did you here about us?
Do you give permission for photos/video to be taken of your child? 
(We will never share a child name on our social media.)
Thank you for all the information. We can't wait to dance with you!
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