Cross Lanes UMC Children and Youth Volunteer Opportunities
Cross Lanes United Methodist Church has a long tradition of ministry with children and families. As we look forward to the start of a new school year there are several opportunities for volunteers to walk along our young people as they grow in faith. 
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Why are we asking our church members?
Studies show that even one faith friend can make a life long difference in a young persons life. We believe everyone has a gift to offer. Know that your thoughtful consideration of how you can support our children, youth and young families is greatly appreciated! 
Children Ministries: preK-5th grades
Wednesday Evenings Gods Kidz gather at CLUMC. We would like to restart Sunday School, but need help in a variety of areas. Please prayerfully consider if you are able to help in any of the following ways.
Please check any of the ways you are called to use your gifts to support Children's Ministries (ages pre-K-5th grade)
Once or twice a month:
Youth Ministries: 6th-12th grades
Middle and High School Youth Groups are moving to Sundays after worship. Each Sunday we will focus on one of our membership vows: Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. 

Volunteers are needed on a rotation basis, so if you are able to help even one Sunday a month you will make a difference in the lives of our youth. 

On 5th Sundays youth will help lead worship in partnership as a way of Witnessing to their faith. 
Please check any of the ways you are called to share your gifts to support Youth ministries:
Gifts: Often people are more likely to share their faith when they are doing something together, rather in a class room. One Sunday a month we want to provide our youth an opportunity to learn a practical life skill by interacting with church members who bring a gift of friendship and can share a 'life skill'

What is something you could teach a young person, such as how to check your oil or change a tire, how to balance a check book, how to sew on a button or hem a seam or how to bake banana bread? 

Be creative - our youth want to learn with and from you!
One more thing:
All those who volunteer with youth will need to complete Safe Sanctuary training and have a background check. 
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