Education is the key to a brighter future
Everyone is earning from your transaction charges, EXCEPT YOU. Tusenti enables you to take charge of your transaction charges and make them work for you.

Use your transaction charges to pay school fees and keep your children in school.

We understand that it is difficult and expensive for parents to keep their children in school, due to the inability to collect and pay school fees.

We'd like your voice on this subject. Voice out in the form below:*

This form is subject to Tusenti Privacy Policy

My name is *
I am a *
of *
in (multiple choices) *
My total school fees payment per term ranges around *
(Currency e.g. Ksh, USD, Euro, Pounds...) *
It has been ____________ to pay my child/ren school fees. *
(employment status) *
Would you welcome the opportunity to pay your child/ren school fees using your mobile money transaction charges of sending, paying bills and withdrawing money within the school term? *
Would you use a mobile money wallet that helps you use your transaction charges to pay your child/ren school fees? *
Kindly type any other bill you'd like to get help paying using your mobile money transaction charges of sending, paying bills and withdrawing money? 
Type response 
Email address  *
Thank you for your time
® Family
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