Philadelphia Community Orchestra - Interest Form
Please respond to the following questions to the best of your ability.
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What is your first and last name and preferred pronouns?  *
What is your contact information (address, email, phone number)? *
Do you have experience playing an instrument? And if so, which instrument, for how long, and in what capacity? *
Have you had any formal music training? And if so, for how long and on what instrument(s)? *
Do you compose music? And if so, in what capacity? *
Can you read Western notation? And if so, how well? (Use a scale of 1-10  with 10 being expert level 1 being novice level).  *
Would you be interested in serving in a PCO Leadership Role? And if so, which one would most interest you? Some options include: treasurer, director of operations, fundraising, community outreach officer, etc. *
Will you be available for a two-hour rehearsal every other week in Center City? *
Why are you hoping to join the PCO? *
Is there anything else that you would like us to know? *
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