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CKids After School Grant Application
Please complete this form to apply for a CKids After School Grant.
What is a CKids After School Program?
CKids After School offers children's programming for 1-3 hours after school and operates a minimum of 4 days a week for children ages 5-13.
The program offers after-school activities such as homework help, Hebrew reading, electives (cooking, woodwork, etc.), Torah Lessons, JewQ, sports, and more.
Who is eligible?
Chabad Houses which don't currently have a four-day per week program for children and are committed to starting a new four-day children's program or expand their existing children's programs.
Available Grants:
Seed funding is being made available for Chabad Houses who are ready to start an After School.
Additional grants are available for new shluchim brought down to run the After Schools exclusively.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Which grant(s) are you applying for? (Select all that apply)
New CKids After School Grant
New Shliach grant to run CKids After School (Additional grant application will be sent separately)
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Cell Phone Number
Your answer
Moised Name
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Describe your current youth demographic (ie: how many kids, how many young families, their level of involvement with Chabad or elsewhere).
Your answer
How many children participate in the above youth programs? (total)
Your answer
Which youth programs do you currently run? (select all that apply)
Hebrew School
CKids Club
Day Camp
Approximately, how many Jewish children are in your city?
Your answer
How will opening an afterschool benefit you community?
Your answer
Do you have the space to run an afterschool program 4 times a week?
Not currently, but I can rent a location.
How many kids in your city do you think would be attracted to a Jewish afterschool program 4 times a week?
Your answer
Who do to you feel is your competition and why?
Your answer
Would you be willing to provide transportation to public schools?
Your answer
How many public schools in your vicinity and how far is the commute for each?
Your answer
What type of support beyond funding from CKids would help you run the afterschool?
Your answer
Who would serve as the director?
Existing Shlucha/Shliach in my community
New Shliach/Shlucha
Post Seminary girl
A community member
What is your personal goal for the After School?
Your answer
How many kids can you potentially commit to get the first year of the grant?
Your answer
How many kids can you potentially commit to get the second year of the grant?
Your answer
How would you potentially structure your afternoons (e.g. part Hebrew School, part JewQ, part electives- specify which electives)?
Your answer
Besides for the grant money, how else can you envision CKids helping you launch?
Your answer
Can you commit to being actively involved in a whatsapp group community of shluchim gaining and sharing ideas?
Can you commit to calling yourself a "CKids After School"?
Your answer
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