Spectrum Creative Network (SCN) Project
Please help us out by filling in this survey related to presentation at CASDA 2020: IGNITE Talk presented by Spectrum Productions.

Please fill in your contact information so we can keep the conversation going, and send you a copy of your answers.

Please contact us if you would prefer to answer the questions in another format, for example via a pre-recorded video or in a live video or audio interview.

Contact options
1 - Email at info@productionsspectrum.com 
2 - Call  514-448-1644 and leave a message with your name, and callback number

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Email *
Would you like to be added to a SCN mailing list? *
Postal code *
Please fill in your first and last name
Have you heard about Spectrum Productions before today? If so, how did you hear about us?
Please share your initial thoughts on the SCN project.
Were the goals of the project clearly communicated? If not, where can we provide more detail?
Which elements of the SCN did you like most?
Which elements of the SCN do you think could be improved or added to, if any?
The SCN Project strives to create opportunities for community building, education, pre-employment training and equitable employment for autistic creatives. Do you see opportunity for collaboration with the SCN Project in any of these areas within your network? If so, in what capacity?
Do you know any autistic or neurodiverse individuals who are interested in building skills in a creation medium?
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Do you know any autistic or neurodiverse creatives who have the skills to teach others and would be interested in mentoring or teaching?
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Do you think that the SCN Project has the potential to contribute to and promote community vitality for youth and adults on the autistic spectrum?  If so, how?
Part of the hope with this network is to add research opportunities in parallel to the structure. Do you have any research questions to suggest?
Did you have any questions that were not answered during the presentation?
Please add any additional comments and thoughts here.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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