Collage Works is launching Creative Hustle, a new space offering you updates on all things creative whether you're a newbie or from the industry this creative network is here to promote, share and connect you to your creative tribe.

Your one-stop shop to keeping up to date on everything creative, exciting projects, opportunities and training happening in and around your community. 

Fill our form to join the community and do stay in touch

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Date of Birth *
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I can be reached at this phone number: *
My creative practice is: *
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I am happy for Collage Works to email me information about their courses and job opportunities *
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I would like to be added to the CREATIVE HUSTLE WHATSAPP GROUP *
I am aware of the legal notice and privacy policy of Whatsapp and I consent to Collage Arts adding my phone number to their Whatsapp group 'Creative Hustle' for the purposes of communicating information about their courses and activities *
I would like to receive Collage Creative Hustle Newsletter *
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