The purpose of the Judge Lyle Strom High School Mock Trial Program is to deepen students’ understanding and appreciation of the legal system through an experiential learning opportunity. A goal of the Mock Trial Program is to educate students through a respectful and civil competition. Other goals are to strengthen speaking, listening, reading and reasoning skills while promoting cooperation between educators and lawyers.
The Rules of the Competition (Rules), as well as proper rules of courthouse and courtroom decorum and security, must be followed. In the event of a Gross Rules Violation, the Mock Trial Commission will be contacted to determine an appropriate remedy. The Nebraska State Bar Foundation Board of Directors created the Commission (see Rule 37).
Please follow a proper sense of fairness in the competition and understand that the Mock Trial Commission possesses the discretion to impose any appropriate sanctions. Sanctions can be imposed for any breaches of decorum that affect the conduct of a trial or which impugn the reputation or integrity of any team, school, participant, court officer, judge or the Mock Trial Program. The sanctions may include but are not limited to an adjustment of points, disqualification, immediate exclusion from the competition, and the forfeiture of all awards.
All teams are responsible for the conduct of persons associated with their team during the competition and shall follow the Code of Ethical Conduct listed in the Case Materials. The team members, coaches and team supporters shall be bound by the CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT (CODE) at all times. Everyone shall exhibit and act with civility, professionalism, integrity, honesty, and good sportsmanship in victory and in defeat. Showing respect for team members, coaches, supporters, opponents, volunteer judges, and Bar Foundation staff is expected.
Scouting by a team, its teachers, attorneys, students, parents or by affiliates of any other team is prohibited. No information about any previous trials may by shared with any other teams/schools at either the regional or state competition. To
further ensure that all teams have a fair opportunity to compete on a level playing field, no teams shall practice in a courthouse where the Regional or State trials will be held.
The principal, teacher coaches, attorney coaches, and team members are responsible for reading and understanding the Rules of the Competition and the CODE. The Principal and Coaches shall be responsible for educating team members and team supporters about the CODE and shall encourage compliance with it. All coaches are in positions of authority and should serve as positive role models for the students. Students shall not willfully violate the Rules.
If the Foundation has to move to a virtual competition, each team and every team member shall consent to the Bar Foundation recording each trial via Zoom, including the State Championship.
Videotaping or audio recording at any trial is prohibited by team members, the teacher and attorney coaches or anyone else associated with a team.