FPP Directory
Welcome to the Fractional People People Community**!  

The goal of this directory is to reference who is part of this group and understand where each person is at in their Fractional journey so we can provide community members with the most relevant support, content, networking, and resources. 

This information will be viewed by the Founder & Community Leaders, and pieces of it will be accessible to all members so they can get to know each other better, as well as partners who are providing FPPers with perks or benefits. If you have any questions, you can email us anytime at elles@fractionalpeoplepeople.com! 

#LFG! Welcome!
Founder - Elles Skony
Community Leaders: Catalina Colman, Morgan Williams, Lindsay Dagiantis

**We appreciate everyone's interest in FPP! We also have an obligation to keep the space a safe one for our community.  This community is for those who have been HR practitioners in their past career and who are now just beginning, or already established, in the journey of HR fractional/consulting solopreneurship.   If you are part of an HRTech company, or other organization that would like access to the FPP community, please reach out to elles@fractionalpeoplepeople.com and we'd love to chat!
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