Shadow Me For A Day Application (Polished Occasions - Aiyesha Minott) $850
Thank you for wanting to be a part of our 'Shadow Me For A Day'! The purpose of this application is so that we can choose the best candidates that we feel are ready to take on the high level of knowledge and properly apply it to their planning business. We want to ensure that candidates we select are in a good head space to receive the information and are mature enough in their business to be able to successfully apply the skills in order to excel. Upon completing the application you will be notified within 4-5 business days of if you've been accepted to partake in the 'Shadow For A Day Program'. If selected, you will receive a contract as well as an invoice. Wishing you the best of luck!
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Email *
First and Last Name *
How long have you been in business? *
How do you feel you can benefit from the 'Shadow Me For A Day' with Aiyesha Minott? *
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? *
Business Name *
Business Type (please list your niche within the wedding + event industry) Ex. florist, DJ, rentals, makeup, decor, etc. *
Business Instagram Link: (please provide direct link to your instagram page) *
Link to Reviews: (please provide direct link to where our team can read real reviews from clients about your business) *only actual links to real reviews will be considered* *
Business Website Link *
Where are you located? (City + State) *
Business contact number *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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