Mammal sightings in Singapore
Animal sighting records are important - over time, these can contribute to public awareness and education, suggest student research projects and supplement research in conservation and management projects.

So any mammal record on land, sea and air is useful and large marine animals too - this includes turtles and interesting fish!  In doubt, just send!

We would love to receive photos, of course, if you have them, so please send them to:

This data will be shared with other vertebrate researchers and managers in Singapore. Highlights may be featured on Habitatnews from time to time (if the records are not confidential), e.g.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated, thank you!

N. Sivasothi & Xu Weiting
Department of Biological Sciences,
National University of Singapore

Note - in this form, only four entries are compulsory: your name, the identify of the animal, the date and location of the sighting.

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Contributor data
Name (in full please) *
We need this for attribution if we cite the record. Add names of companions as appropriate or in remarks section.
Email address
We may use this for verification or follow-up
Contact Number
Optional - if you don't mind, we may use this for verification, follow-up or for urgent records
What, When and Where
Identity of mammal *
We will ask you for more details below
Date of sighting (DD/MM/YYYY) *
An approximate date is also helpful if unsure.
Estimated time of sighting
Location of sighting *
Please be as detailed as possible, eg. street name, postal code, landmarks
Geographic coordinates or Google Maps URL of location
If you are able
Any surrounding vegetation, eg density of vegetation, types of fruit trees?
Information about the habitat
More about the animal(s)
Confidence of identity of animal
Clear selection
Number of animals seen
Clear selection
Adult or juvenile, gender, part of animal observed, fur colour, size of animal, etc (anything you can tell us is useful)
Feeding, Resting, etc
Any other comments
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