German language teacher
We are looking for volunteers interested in providing online lessons in German language. Our main aim is to provide foreigners and migrants living in and Austria with free lessons to help them with language barriers and integrating into society. Lessons will be online, 60 min/week. The difficulty of each lesson might vary since we would like the lessons to comply with various needs of the students. After filling in the online form, you will be invited to join the online meeting via Zoom link and we can together discuss the content of the lessons and develop an outline. We are open to suggestions and excited to start our collaboration!

More info on our webpage:
and FB page: 

Name and Surname: *
Date of Birth: *
Current residence (town): *
Email: *
Phone number: *
What is your highest achieved education? *
Rate your current level of English language: *
Rate your current level of German language: *
Do you have experience with teaching a foreign language? *
If yes, please describe your previous experience (eg. age group you have taught, content of your lessons, individual or group lessons etc.):
I hereby confirm, that I give permission to organization Association for Active Life and Education to process provided personal data in this form for the purposes of the selection of volunteers. *
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