ELCA Advocacy: In-District Activity Form
Share your experience with the ELCA Witness in Society advocacy national office. In future interactions, this information helps us build upon one another's efforts and strengthen our impact. Thank you!
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1. What type of activity did you take part in? *
2. Activity location
3. Event date *
4. Your name *
5. How many in your party (excluding lawmakers)?
6. Your congregation/group
7. Your contacted elected official *
(Example: Sen. Lindsey Graham, SC)
8. Lawmaker's state/district
(Example: Texas-15)
9. Was the elected official present in person? *
(If not, select "Other..." and identify person you met with, or select "No" if unknown.)
10. What issue(s) was your focus during the activity?
Please include if specific bills or legislation were discussed, etc.
11. How receptive was the lawmaker to your issue of concern? What follow-up is needed?
12. Other comments
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