About BPA (Best Presentation Award)
The presenting authors of oral or poster presentations at the age 35 or younger as of June 30, 2020 are eligible to apply for BPA. Prior to the meeting, the selection committee, including members of JSP and KSOP, will select six candidates based on the presentation abstract. If you are selected as a BPA candidate, even if you plan to make a poster presentation, the presentation method will automatically be changed to an oral presentation. Oral presentations by BPA candidates must be given in English. BPA selection will be carried out by voting by members of the Extended Selection Committee.
If a JSP member receives a BPA, the name of the award will be "The Best Presentation Award of the Japan Society of Protistology". If a KSOP member receives a BPA, the name of the award will be "The Best Presentation Award of the Korean Society of Protistologists".