Pre-registration for Leverington Church Easter Service & Children's Program 2021                                                               NOTE: Sanctuary seating is now full.  However you can still reserve spots for seating in our beautiful Westminster Hall.
Please take a few short moments to pre-register for Easter Sunday Service and Children's programs @ 10:30am at Leverington Church for your family's participation on Sunday, April 4th 2021.  Please only respond to the questions that are applicable to you.
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Pre-registration for Leverington Church Service at 10:30am.  NOTE: Sanctuary seating is now full.  However you can still reserve spots here for seating in our overflow room, Westminster Hall.
Please answer the question below in regards to your family's attendance on Easter Sunday for in-person worship;
Number of people in my party:
Pre-registration for the Children's Program during church service @ 10:30am. Children will be signed in at the office entrance of the church.
Please answer the questions below in regards to your family's participation in the Children's Ministry programs being offered on Easter Sunday.
Child (ren) Name (s) & Age (s)
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Email
Parent/Guardian Phone #
Our family would like to participate in the following Children's Ministry Activity on Sunday Morning: (Once you register more information will be emailed to you in the upcoming weeks)
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