OPT-OUT Form for 2024 Annual Spring Showcase
DUE:  NOVEMBER 15, 2023

This form must be completed for EACH STUDENT NOT PARTICIPATING in the Annual Spring Showcase.
This allows us to ensure families are making informed decisions about whether to participate in the performance.

Please visit our Annual Spring Showcase page to review all information about participation:  (https://philadelphiadanceacademy.com/about/spring-showcase/)
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Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Which specific Ballet class does your student attend? *
Which Contemporary Dance class does your student attend? *
Which Theater Dance class does your student attend? *
I confirm that I have read through the Showcase information  (http://philadelphiadanceacademy.com/about/annual-spring-showcase/)  and have decided to DECLINE having my dancer participate in this performance opportunity.  I understand that my credit card on file will NOT be charged the participation fee and a costume will NOT be ordered for my dancer. *
I understand that my dancer will continue to fully participate in class throughout the remainder of school year. They will learn the choreography with classmates even though we have opted out of participating in the performance. *
Is there anything else you would like us to be aware of?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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