Paws of L.A. Rescue Adoption Application & Process:
1. Fill out our adoption application below.

2. Once submitted, we will review your application and reach out to set up a consultation, evaluate your needs and preferences.

3. If we believe the dog is a right fit for your home, we will arrange reference checks and a home check. 

4. If the reference checks and home check goes well, we will schedule a meet & greet.
(Please note: This is dependent on the foster's availability.)

5. You will be given the opportunity for a trial period with the dog in your house as a part of your day to day life, before any adoption is finalized to ensure it is a good match.

6. When both parties agree this is a good match after the trial period, we will send you the Adoption Contract for signing, along with transferring the microchip and copies of medical records.
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Paws of L.A. Rescue Adoption Application
* MUST LIVE IN THE LOS ANGELES AREA: Unless otherwise discussed in advance, we will only consider Los Angeles area adoptions. If you do not live in the LA area please check with us before filling out an application by e-mailing us

*IF RENTING, have the knowledge and consent of your landlord.

*MUST BE 21: Applicant must be at least 21 years old/head of household.

*BE WILLING TO SPEND THE TIME AND MONEY necessary to provide training, medical treatment and proper care of the dog for the rest of its life.

*ADOPTION DONATION & CONTRACT: If we approve you for the adoption of a dog, we accept a minimum donation of $350 ($450 for dogs under 1 year old plus a $100 spay/neuter deposit and $200 for seniors nine years old and over) and signed adoption agreement. Please understand that the adoption donation ensures that we can continue saving more lives. The adoption donation is often just a fraction of the cost that the rescue team has spent on boarding, shelter pull fees, transportation fees, spaying and neutering, vaccines, microchips, medical costs, supplies and dog training. Donating is a gift freely given, not a purchase price for a dog. No goods or services have been or will be provided in exchange for the donation. Any donation made is non refundable after the adoption.

PLEASE NOTE: Completion of this application does not guarantee adoption of a dog.

Date *
Name of Dog you're interested in: *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Home Phone
Cell Phone *
Email *
Are you on social media and if so, by what name do you go by? (Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn) *
How often have you moved in the past 5 years and why? *
Length of time you have lived at your current residence? *
Occupation/Employer and place of work? (i.e. work from home, not a dog friendly office, dog friendly office) *
How many hours a week do you work? *
What type of home do you live in? *
Do you own or rent? *
If you rent, do you have landlord's permission to have a dog? Please list landlord's name and phone number.
Are you and your spouse/partner a US citizen? *
Who would be the primary caregiver if you adopt? (Walking, feeding, etc.) *
Let's get to know you! Why are you looking to adopt a dog? *
What is your level of experience with dogs? *
Please list the names and ages of others living in household and their relationship to you. (List each individual, including roommates and children) *
Do you have children that visit your home? If yes, how often and what type of interaction will they have with the dog? *
If you have children, please describe their experience and comfort level with animals: *
At what age do you feel a child is responsible enough to care for a dog WITHOUT your supervision? (i.e. walking, feeding, etc) *
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals? If yes, please explain to what kind of animals and level of severity of allergies. *
If you currently have any other companion animals in your home, please list their breed, age, size, gender, temperament and length of time in your care and how you feel they'd adjust to a new animal in the home. *
Have all your companion animals been fixed? *
Are they up to date on all their vaccinations? *
Have you ever walked a dog off leash? If yes, please explain the situation.* *
Would you walk your adopted dog on or off-leash? If off-leash, where and when? Please explain. *
Have you ever given up a companion animal? If yes, please explain why. *
Have you ever allowed an animal to breed/have babies? If yes, please explain the situation. *
Do you have a veterinarian? If yes, please list name, number and how long you have used the vet: *
Have you ever had a pet euthanized? If yes, please explain. *
Have you taken your current or past dog(s) to obedience training? If not, please explain why. *
Are you planning on moving or traveling in the next 12 months? If yes, to where and for what purpose? What do you plan on doing with your newly adopted dog while you're away? *
If your present relationship were to change, with whom will the dog remain? *
Will all household members be able to come and meet the dog at a scheduled adoption appointment? If no, please explain why not. *
Do you have a yard? (check all that apply) *
If so, do you share your yard with anyone? *
What kind of fence does your yard you have (i.e. wood, chain link, block wall, wrought iron, etc) and what is the height at the lowest point of your fence (including gates)? *
What is the condition of your fence, upon inspection? *
How many gates do you have on your property and what kind of locks are on the gate? *
Pet theft is on the rise. If your gates do not have locks, would you agree to install locks prior to a home check? *
Other than your immediate family, does anyone else have access to your yard? If yes, please explain. *
Do you have an electric driveway gate? If yes, will the dog have access to the driveway when the gate is opening and closing? *
Do you have a doggy door? If yes, will the dog have access to it at all times? *
When outside, what shelter would be available to the dog? (ie: covered patio) *
If you have a pool, does your pool have a cover or fence around it? If not, would you be willing to put on a pool cover or fence prior to adoption? *
Do you have a Gardener, Housekeeper, Pool Service, etc? If yes, where will the dog be when they are working? *
Do you trust your gardener, housekeeper and/or pool service compan to not let your dog out? *
Have your current or past companion animals ever escaped from your yard? If yes, please explain. *
Do you have any poisons (rodents, snail bait, plant food) where the animal will be kept? *
Is someone home during the day? If yes, please list name of person. *
How many hours a day will the dog be alone (consider commute time, work hours & after work activities) and how will you handle dog's needs if you need to be gone for over 5 hours? *
Please describe the area where the dog would be left alone during the day *
Will the dog be allowed on the furniture? *
Are there any rooms in your home that are off-limits to the dog when you are not home? (please be specific) *
What activity level are you looking for in a dog? *
Will you be able to exercise your dog on a regular basis? If yes, what type of exercise? *
What kind of walking device would you use? (Ex: harness, choke chain, pinch collar, head halter, martingale etc): *
What kind of leash will you use? *
Where do your current dogs/newly adopted dog sleep at night?: *
Who will groom/bathe your dog? *
What type of food would you feed your dog? (If commercial food, please state brand, and if the food is canned, kibble, dried, raw, etc) and how many times daily would you feed? *
What plans would you have in place for your dog when you travel? (Ex: hired petsitter, friend who stops by to feed, dog will stay at a kennel, dog travels with you, etc) *
Will your dog wear a collar and identification tag at all times? If not, please explain why. *
If your dog gets out, which of the following would you do? Check all that apply: *
What method do you intend to housetrain your dog? *
What discipline would you use if your dog chewed your favorite shoes? *
What is a behavior that would not be acceptable to you and what would be your next steps if your dog develops this behavior in your home? *
Have you and or would you be willing to train a dog in obedience class at your own expense? *
If behavior problems develop would you agree to consult with a trainer/behaviorist recommended? *
Dogs are expensive and can live to be 15 to 20 years old. Are you able to make this long-term commitment and can you afford to provide medical care, grooming, proper diet and shelter for them for the rest of their life?: *
If your dog becomes ill, gets injured, needs surgery or ongoing medical care, what amount are you willing to spend on veterinary/medical care? *
If you have a limit on what you can spend on veterinary care for your dog, please explain what your plan is in the case that costly medical treatment is required: *
Would you consider getting pet insurance for this dog? If no, please explain why. * *
What would be your reasoning to euthanize a dog? *
What might cause you to give up your dog? (This means after you have adopted the dog, not during the trial period) Check all that apply: *
If the dog you adopt becomes ill (whether it is 6 months or 6 years after you adopt the dog) would you want to return him/her to a rescue or the local shelter? *
What might prompt you to return your adopted dog to a shelter or rescue? *
What would happen to your dog if you move locally, out of state or out of the country? *
If you are a renter and planning to adopt, should you encounter difficulties with your landlord or have to leave your current rental for any other reason what will you do? *
Who would care for this dog in the event something happened to you or you could no longer care for your dog? *
Have you ever tried to adopt an animal from another rescue group? If yes, what happened? *
If there is anything else that you would like to tell us about you or your family, please feel free to write your comments here:
I understand that my adopted dog can be removed from my care if found to be neglected, abused or picked up as a stray. I agree to surrender my adopted animal to Paws of L.A. Rescue upon receiving notification of the termination of the Adoption Agreement. I understand that any animal, including the adopted dog, may pose a risk of injury, death, illness, or damage to me, my family, other persons, or to personal property. I voluntarily and knowingly assume any and all risks associated with my agreement including the risk of injury, death, illness or damage. I understand that a home visit is required and that a home visit does not guarantee placement

I understand that submitting an application does not mean I am approved to adopt this dog. Paws of L.A. Rescue has the right to refuse adoption to any applicant for any reason.
First & Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Valid Driver's License number or ID number: *
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