Executive Director Performance Review
For Board members to assess the performance of the Executive Director.
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1. How would you rate the Executive Director's performance on the following objectives? *
Room for improvement
a. Continue to secure necessary resources (human, financial, other) in accordance with organizational values, philosophies, policies, and staffing and funding models to advance the organizational mission and sustain program staff and ongoing expenses through the calendar year 2024.
b. Support the continued development of leadership and a culture of liberation among Board and team members to advance organizational objectives and mission through the calendar year 2024.
c. Nurture existing and build new relationships with stakeholders (past, current, and potential Board members, donors/funders, program participants, collaborators, etc) to foster their support in advancing the organization’s mission through the calendar year 2024.
d. Ensure the ongoing implementation of high-quality, responsive program experiences that differentiate Capacity Catalyst from similar organizations, and address unmet needs in the community through the calendar year 2024 and beyond (e.g., pilot/implement Research Fellowship, increase Alumni/Mentor Engagement and Support).
e. Mobilize the nonprofit and philanthropic sector into the next stage of racial justice movement-building which is cultivating deeply trusting relationships across the entire ecosystem to decolonize funding systems.
f. For any of the items you responded “Room for Improvement” to above, how can the Board best support improving the ED’s performance?
g. Which of the above duties would you say is the ED's "super power" (i.e., which ONE does she consistently exceed expectations for and most desire to contribute to Capacity Catalyst)? 
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2. What one objective (either from the list above, or a new one) do you think the Executive Director should prioritize? *
3. Please give at least one specific comment about the Executive Director's performance, and feel free to explain your answers above. *
4. What do you think are the Executive Director's key accomplishments? *
5. What do you think are the areas in which the Executive Director could improve (if none, please write "none")? *
6. Please share any general comments on the Executive Director's performance (feel free to explain your previous responses, or add new thoughts not already shared above).
7. Is there anything else you want to share or anything else you want us to ask? If so, please elaborate below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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