Application for POCR Incentive - Fall 2023
If you are a faculty member interested in earning an incentive for participating in the Peer Online Course Review (POCR) process to align your 100% fully online asynchronous DE course with the Online Education Initiative (OEI) Course Design Rubric* so that it can be offered in the California Statewide CVC-OEI Course Exchange**, please complete this Application. Note: Remote and Hybrid courses are not accepted into the CVC-OEI Course Exchange - only fully online asynchronous DE courses).

Up to three (3) faculty will be accepted to receive 20% Release Time (full-time) or Stipend (part-time) to align their courses this coming semester, Fall 2023. The expectation is that the course alignment process (note: ED TE(A)CH Workshop series - - must be completed by Weeks 3-4 of Fall 2023). Payment of incentive will be given when the course is aligned to the OEI Rubric, Badged by the OEI, and a GADER workshop is scheduled.

The District is seeking courses that are part of an AA, AS, ADT, Certificate Program, or fulfills an IGETC and/or CSU Breadth requirement to fill some gaps in our pathways:
-AA/AS/ADT/Certificate Programs:
- IGETC: Areas 2, 3A Arts, 4, 5B, 5C, Language, and/or US History/Constitution/American Ideals (
- CSU: Areas History/Constitution, B2, B3, B4, C1, D, and/or E (
- Courses in these areas will allow us to have two fully online quality badged GE Certificates when we launch into the ExCEL cross-enrollment platform and will be given preference for this opportunity.

Applications are due by Friday, June 2, by 5:00 p.m.

Applications will be reviewed by the Dean of Library & Learning Support Services and the Vice President of Instruction to determine if the proposed course contributes to our course offering obligation to the CVC-OEI.

The Dean of Library & Learning Support Services will contact you about participation in this POCR opportunity.

*Check out the OEI Course Design Rubric here:
**Learn more about the CA OEI Course Exchange:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Current Date *
Course Instructor *
Instructor GCC Email *
Are you DE Certified and current with DE Recertification (GADER)? *
How did you become DE Certified at GCC? (For example, through our in-house IOTL course?) If you earned DE Certification through Equivalency, please list the coursework and College where you completed your DE training. *
Which fully online asynchronous DE Course (Title and Number, exp. ENGL 101) do you want to align for CVC Exchange eligibility? *
This fully online asynchronous DE Course is in which Division? *
Which AA/AS/ADT degree or IGETC/CSU Pathway at GCC does this fully online asynchronous DE Course course fulfill? *
Have you taught the DE fully online asynchronous course at least once? Note: only a developed fully online asynchronous DE Course can be reviewed by the POCR Team. If the DE course is not fully online asynchronous and/or if you have not taught the course at least one time at GCC, please come back and reapply for this POCR Incentive in the future once this criteria is met. Exception: If you have aligned and badged a previous course, the POCR Team can waive this criteria. *
When was the last time you taught this fully online asynchronous DE Course at GCC, and what was the length of the term? *
What is the name and email of your Division Chair? *
Has your Division Chair (not Department Chair) approved this Application? The instructor and Division Chair agree to schedule the fully online asynchronous DE Course on the CVC Exchange at a mutually agreed upon time, after the course is aligned and Badged. *
The POCR Alignment Process is a labor of love. It takes time, dedication, and attention to course design detail. In order to be ready for a thorough Peer Review from our local team, we need to ensure that your course has been self-reviewed for alignment. To do this, we ask that you complete all Modules within the ED TE(A)CH Workshop series ( before Weeks 3-4 so a full review can be completed in Weeks 5-8 of the Fall 2023 term. GADER credit is offered to complete these self-paced, asynchronous Modules. Exception: If you have aligned and badged a previous course, the POCR Team can waive this criteria. *
The POCR Alignment Process is designed to be completed in the course of one full semester. The POCR Team takes on new POCR participants each term. Because of this, the alignment process should not spill over into a second semester. Please agree to follow the timeline below. The POCR Team does not support POCR during the winter/summer terms (except for onboarding), therefore, it is important that alignment take place during the designated term when support, guidance, and mentoring are available. Timeline: Summer 2023 - onboard new POCR participant; Fall Weeks 1/2: meet with Lead POCR to review onboarding materials; Fall Weeks 3/4: meet with ID to review course; Fall Weeks 5-8: online course will receive POCR; Fall Weeks 9-12: remediate and align online course; Fall Weeks 13-16: receive Final Quality Course Check by ID so course can be sent to the CVC-OEI for Badging. *
The POCR Alignment Process is a fulfilling and rewarding professional development opportunity. We ask that you share your DE knowledge after your course is aligned and Badged. As part of this incentive, please offer a GADER workshop on a topic to be determined by you and the DE Faculty Development Coordinator in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024. *
To be eligible for the incentive associated with this opportunity, your course needs to be aligned to the OEI Rubric, Badged by the OEI, and a GADER workshop is scheduled to receive the incentive. *
Thank You - Submit the Application for POCR and OEI-Rubric Alignment!
Once the DE course is aligned, badged, and eligible for the OEI Exchange, it is highly recommended that you share this course with your Division as an example of Excellence. This course will be cross-listed in the OEI Exchange at a mutually agreeable time between the Division Chair and Badged Instructor.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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