Romantasy Trivia Registration (2/12/25)
Are you a romantasy reader? Bring a friend or two and put your knowledge of this popular genre to the test at our free trivia event! We will provide snacks, mocktails, and prizes for the winning team. Wednesday, February 12, 6 pm @ Chillicothe Public Library.

Registration required; 1 registration per team. Teams of up to 4 will be accepted. Want to register but don't have a team? Register to be a team of 1, or request to be added to a team of others who are looking for teammates.

Need to change your registration? Other questions? Contact Kaitlin Kline at or call the library at (309)274-2719
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Team Contact Person Name (First & Last) *
Team Contact Person Phone Number *
Team Contact Person Email *
Would you like a reminder the day before the event? *
How many members are on your team? (up to 4) *
If you are registering as an individual, would you like to be placed in a team of other individual registrants?
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Do you have any food allergies or accommodation requests?
Do you have any other questions?
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