What Sara Reads - Pop-Up Request Form
Thank you for your interest in hosting What Sara Reads for a pop-up event at your business!

Please complete the form below in as much detail as possible. Expect a response within 48 business hours.

If you have any questions, please contact hello@shopwhatsarareads.com. Thanks again!
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Email *
Your Name (or Contact Person at Your Business) *
Your Business Name *
Your Business’ Physical Address (Including City, State, Zip) *
Email Address (Used for All Contact Purposes) *
Target Dates of Pop-Up Event (Please List at Least 3 Options): *
Can the What Sara Reads mobile book trailer park in your business’ parking lot? *
If you selected “Unsure” for the previous question, please explain below.
Will other vendors be present at this event? (EX: Women’s conference, food truck event, etc.) *
Please share any other details about your business or your hopes for your What Sara Reads pop-up experience. Thank you for your interest! *
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