Project Reentry's February Workshop: Self-Advocacy 

Join SADO’s Project Reentry for our monthly workshop on self-advocacy led by Reentry Specialist, Marcus Williams. At this workshop, we’ll discuss tools and tips to ensure you’re speaking up for yourself whether in relationships, job prospects, or communication with fellow employees. Gain valuable skills to increase confidence and self-esteem; develop a sense of empowerment and independence; and be able to effectively communicate strengths, skills, and interests.

Monday, February 27th, 2023
6:00 – 8:00 pm (doors lock at 7:00 pm)
3031 W. Grand Blvd., Ste 450
Detroit, MI 48202

For those who would otherwise have to travel a long distance or are unable to find transportation, there will be a Zoom/hybrid meeting option. Be sure to include your email and phone number in the response below!

 Questions? Contact or call (313) 420-2955. 

Can you attend? *
What are the names of people attending?
What's the best contact number for you?
What is your email address? *
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