Find Your Bowlmate
Take this free quiz to find out what kind of Crystal Singing Bowl is right for you! ✨
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What energy do you most want to enhance when you play your bowl? 
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What is your budget for one bowl? 
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How loud do you need your bowl to get?
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Do you plan on traveling with your bowl? 
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Do you plan on incorporating other, more traditional instruments with your bowl(s) at any point? 
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How do you want to play your bowl?
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Do you think you'll end up wanting more than one bowl at any point?
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If you already have a bowl (or more), tell me about it/them! (size, note, type, etc) 
What is your name?  *
What's your email address? I'll be in touch soon to share your results! 🦋  *
By checking this box and submitting this form, you are agreeing to sign up for my mailing list (I promise I only send a few emails per year!) 🤍 *
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