Weekly Hall Wood - Visitor Survey 2024-2025
Following a road traffic accident on the A6183 (Weekley Wood Lane) in November 2024, we created this survey to understand how many people are crossing the road or using the lay-bys to visit Weekley Hall Wood.

The aim of this survey is to see how safe it is for people to visit Weekley Hall Wood. The survey will run for 12 months (Dec 24 - Nov 25), so that we can get a more complete picture of how often people visit and how they travel there. It also gives you a say as to what safety measures you would support to make this area safer for everyone. If you leave your contact details, we will use this to let you know the results of the survey at the end of 2025. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please share this with your friends and family.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
When you last visited WHW, how many adults were in your group? (Aged 18 or older) *
When you last visited WHW, how many children were in your group? (Up to 17 years) *
How did you travel to Weekley Hall Wood? *
On your visit, did you cross this road by the lay-by? (Weekley Wood Lane / A6183) *
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On your visit, did you cross this road at the Pelican Crossing? (Weekley Wood Lane / A6183) *
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How often do you visit Weekley Hall Wood each month? *
Do you feel unsafe crossing the road or using the lay-bys? *
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Did you walk your dog(s) at Weekley Hall Wood? *
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What safety measures would you support? *
1 (Not Important)
4 (Very Important)
Introduce street lighting
Reduce speed limits near the crossing and entrance
Traffic calming measures
Add a Pelican Crossing (with traffic lights)
Have wider lay-bys
Add a footbridge over the road
Please share your comments, safety ideas and any problems you've encountered
Your Post Code (this helps us know where you travelled from) *
If you would like to see the results of our survey or would like to hear more on improving safety around Weekley Hall Wood, please leave your email or phone number.
Your name
Would you like to get involved with Weekley Hall Wood and this safety improvement campaign after the survey is completed? *
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