DIY Sensory Play Party Hire Booking Form
Let's create your perfect Sensory Play Party, DIY way!
We will endeavour to reply as soon as possible to all responses.
Remember, we only service the Hastings area on the Mid North Coast in NSW, Australia.
Email *
What are you enquiring for? *
Have you read and agree to the 'Parties' section on our website? *
Your Full Name (the parent, host, educator, manager, clinician, therapist etc.) *
Your Contact Email Address (please monitor your junk mail for a reply from us or add us to your contacts - *
Your Contact Number
Your Address
Your Party or Event Venue/Location *
Preferred Date of Party/Event *
Prior to the party/event *
After the party/event *
Name of the child and the age that they are turning? (and/or age ranges of participants) *
Gender of the child
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What package would you like to hire? *
What theme/s would you like (you can select multiple)? *
What are some sensory items & bases you would you like included? *
These will be discussed/confirmed with you via email.
Which extras would you like?
Are there any allergies that we need to be aware of (for child and guests)? *
Do you need all, some or none of the station sensory bases to be 'taste-safe'? Please note, supervision of ALL children at ALL times by their parents are required.
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Please add any comments, additional information or ask any questions here. We will email you as soon as we can. Thank you x
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