Redux Protocol Accelerator Application
Thank you for your interest in the Redux Protocol Accelerator and IDO process!

Please fill out all of the required information in the form below. Our team will contact you within 10 business days of submission.

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Project Name *
Explain the concept of your project in a few sentences *
What is the status of your project? *
Have you already raised funds? *
If so, how much?
How many members on your team? *
Please provide links to the founders Linkedin or Twitter *
Which chain will you be launching on? *
Main point of contact name *
Contact Email *
Contact Telegram Handle *
Project Twitter *
Project Telegram *
Project Medium *
Project Website *
Please add a brief description of the token utility *
How much do you plan to raise for the IDO? *
Link to Whitepaper/Pitchdeck
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