Life Alignment Score™️
Determining your Life Alignment Score (LAS™️)

Are you operating in your Zone of Genius & Inspiration? 

OR are you living into rhythms of chaos, desperation, and overwhelm....let's find out!

All humans innately desire to feel EMPOWERED in all areas of their life. This assessment will guide you through self-reflection questions on multiple different areas of your life. Use your best judgment and trust your first instinct on each answer. 

Once completed, our team will email you your results and what it means in relation to your life alignment within 1-2 business days.

For example:

1 = "Meh, I don't care."
14 = "HELL YEA, I am 100% INSPIRED!"

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Phone Number *
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your PHYSICAL Well-Being? This can also relate to your ENERGY. *
1 - I perceive my physical well-being to be a burden & something I have to do. Movement and working out feels like a chore
14 - I LOVE & am 100% fully inspired by my physical well-being. I have boundless energy to create my life. My body & physical health is a temple and a sacred vessel

**Please select only ONE checkbox
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your MENTAL-EMOTIONAL Well-Being? *
1 - I perceive my mental-emotional well-being to be essentially non-existent - my mind downward spirals into chaos often. 
14 - I am a mindset MASTER - my mind is grounded, centered, and poised even in the midst of chaos around me.

**Please select only ONE checkbox
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your VOCATIONAL (career/work) Well-Being? *
1 - I perceive my vocational well-being to be boring and uninspired - I work because I have to.
14 - I am inspired by my business/career/work on a daily basis - it doesn't feel like a job to me! I LOVE what I do for work.

*NOTE - if you are a stay at home parent, consider this as WORK. Raising a family and taking care of a home IS a form of vocation. If you own multiple businesses, choose the one that generates the MOST revenue at this time. 

**Please select only ONE checkbox
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your SOCIAL Well-Being? This can also relate to your influence and leadership.  *
1 - I perceive my social well-being to be stressful - I rarely hangout with friends or colleagues. I am uninspired by the people in my life and I feel the influence I have is small. 
14 - I am 100% inspired by the people in my life. My social connections give me so much life, growth, and inspiration. I am a leader and choose to influence others around me in the most uplifting way. 

**Please select only ONE checkbox
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your FINANCIAL Well-Being? *
1 - I perceive my financial well-being to cause a lot of anxiety - my finances are a mess and I couldn't care less about money. 
14 - I LOVE tending to my finances and see my financial health as a vital aspect to living a fulfilled life. I am incredibly organizedclear, and independent when it comes to my financial well-being. 

**Please select only ONE checkbox
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your FAMILIAL Well-Being? *
1 - I perceive my familial well-being as something I have to do. Family is a low priority and feels like an obligation.
14 - I see both peace and war within my family dynamics. I honor the values of my family and recognize that although our values may differ, I love them regardless. 

**Please select only ONE checkbox
On a scale of 1-14, how empowered do you perceive yourself to be in your SPIRITUAL Well-Being? This can also relate to SERVICE if you are not a spiritual person. *
1 - I perceive my spiritual well-being as non-existent. Spirituality (or spiritual practices) really has no meaning or significance to me. 
14 - I am HIGHLY spiritual - I am fully inspired to connect to God/Source/A Higher Power/Purpose in some shape or form every single day. 

**Please select only ONE checkbox
What programs/offers are you interested in that we offer? 1:1 coaching with Dr. Mel, Inspire Alignment Group Coaching, Project Lioness Cohort, Inspire Immersions, other...? *
How did you hear about us? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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