Event registration
Date: 24th July 2024
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Event Centre: Brecon Tap, 6 Bulwark, Brecon, LD3 7LB W3W ///masses.remover.national

Full event details: www.sboc.org.uk/events & https://croeso.uk/ 
Contact us: SBOCFunDays@gmail.com

Your data will be kept safely in accordance with our data privacy policy.

We will use the email address you provide only to contact you about Turf Swansea, to provide further information about Swansea Bay Orienteering Club and our future events and activities.  Please let us know if you are not interested in receiving this information.
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Email *
Turf Brecon - What to Expect
MapRun mixed with Pokemon Go!

Using the map on the Turf app on your phone, you have 60 minutes to find, take, steal and hold as many Turf Zones as possible within the Event area.  You can run, jog or walk though strategy will play it's part - the longer you hold onto your zones, the more points you get.

TURF FAQS: General Turf FAQs are available here

TURF JARGON: Turf terms explained here

There is a lot more information about Turf on the ESOC website here

Important Safety Information

A risk assessment has been completed but it should be noted that competitors take part at their own risk, and are responsible for their own safety during the event.

Please be careful crossing busier roads, use pedestrian crossing where available.

In Swansea, some pavements have cycle lanes.  Be aware that cyclists can sometime be going very fast and often don’t have bells to ping and warn you of their approach.

Please take extreme care whilst running through and across the streets and paths of Swansea and please be courteous to pedestrians and road users.

Competitors are reminded that they are required to report to the Event Centre once they have finished the event.

Photographs might be taken to promote the sport.  Please let the organiser know if you do not wish to be included.
Name *
Contact Number *
Turfnick – The username you chose when you registered on the Turf App *
Are you a member of Swansea Bay Orienteering Club? *
This is an outdoor activity *
Unable to Attend
If you are unable to attend, please let us know at SBOCFunDays@gmail.com so we are know not to expect you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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