Grow A Row 2025: Learning Garden Events
Register for the next Grow a Row Learning Garden Event by selecting which event(s) you plan on attending on the form below. Required information is indicated with a red star. 

When you sign up you will receive a confirmation email with the address and important information. The waiver at the bottom applies to every GAR event you are signing up for. Thank you, see you soon!

If you have any questions, please email us at
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Email *
Name *
Which Grow a Row event are you signing up for? *
I would like to opt-in to further updates on volunteer days and events from Grow A Row *
I understand these events are documented as Herbalista shares information with the greater community.  I understand that if I don't wish for my image to appear in their materials, I will let the facilitator know at the event. *
I acknowledge that I am responsible for my health, safety and that of any of my dependents while volunteering with Grow A Row or attending one of their events. The Grow A Row Crew and Herbalista are not liable for any incidents that may occur on site or while arriving/leaving a Grow a Row event. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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