Monroe WI Virtual Tip Jar
Many of our friends and neighbors depend on tips to make ends meet. This virtual tip jar is for local service industry staff - employees at bars, restaurants, salons, etc - to post their Venmo or Paypal information so that customers, neighbors, and Monroe WI community members can continue to support them.

If you are a service industry worker, please fill out this form.
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Your Name *
Where do you work? *
Try to be quite precise, as this helps people tip folks from their favorite places. For best results, enter only one establishment.
Has your establishment been closesd? *
Your Venmo username
Format it like this: @prestonaustin - you can get Venmo at
Your Paypal URL
You can create a URL here:
Your Tag
Format it like this: $yourcashapptag - you can get cash app at
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