Website URL: | Postal address: GPO Box 7864, Hong Kong | Email:
hkaect@gmail.comThe HKAECT is actively seeking new members currently working in schools, institutions of education, tertiary institutions, and industries, as teachers, educational/informational technologists, training officers, demonstrators, audio-visual librarians, educational technology instructional development co-ordinators. The membership year runs from 1 January each year to the end of the same year 31 December. Membership fees are HK$200 p.a. Interested colleagues are advised to complete the application/renewal form below and mail a cheque for HK$200, drawn in favor of "HKAECT", to "GPO Box 7864, Hong Kong." An official receipt will be issued in due course
The Association shall consist of two types of members namely:
(1) Professional Members
(2) Student Members
Professional membership is generally open to all who are actively engaged in the field of educational communications and technology; and all other individuals who are deeply involved in the fields of educational communications and technology;
Student membership is generally open to all interested students currently enrolled in higher education institutes.
Professional members shall enjoy the right to elect and to be elected as members of the Executive committee of the Association, to initiate and to ratify changes to the constitution. They are entitled to take part in all activities organized by the Association and to partake of all the benefits there from;
Student members are entitled to take part in all activities organized by the Association and to partake of the benefits there from.
All members shall abide by the Constitution of the Assocatioin and the resolution passed by the General Meetings;
All members shall pay the prescribed annual membership fees.
HKAECT and AECT membership
HKAECT and AECT have signed the affiliation agreement. Under the affiliation agreement, AECT will provide International Electronic Memberships to Members of HKAECT, at the cost of US$75.00 per annum. This electronic membership includes full voting rights in AECT elections.
HKAECT-AECT members will have access to AECT online resources including:
JOURNALS - TechTrends, Educational Technology Research and Development, The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, International Journal of Designs for Learning, The International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning;
BOOKS - Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, Educational Media and Technology Yearbook, Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary;
DIVISIONS - no-cost access to AECT divisions; and
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION - HKAECT-AECT members will receive the international rate for registration at the AECT annual international conference (US$195.00 versus the standard US$450.00 registration fee).