Dear Colleague,
In this research, organized by the Semmelweis University, Hungary we would like to assess the position of bedside clinical pharmacists in hospitals, gain insight into the routine practices and the provided clinical pharmacy services. To this end, we have developed this questionnaire together with clinical pharmacists from University of Semmelweis and Szeged. We kindly invite you to complete the following questionnaire.
The data obtained through the questionnaire will help us evaluate the bedside clinical pharmacist position in the healthcare system across Europe. The results could be used to strengthen and expand the role of bedside clinical pharmacist.
The questionnaire can be filled in anonymously and the obtained data will be treated completely anonymously and encrypted. We would like to hear your opinion based on your experiences, so there are no correct or incorrect answers. The data obtained are used solely for the purposes of our scientific research. You can also use a mobile phone to fill it out. In this case, we recommend a phone rotate to horizontal position. It takes about 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Thank you for participating!
Consent to scientific research: By completing the questionnaire, I agree to the use of data for scientific research.
If you have any question concerning our research, please contact us:
István László Horváth, Pharm.D.
hospital-clinical pharmacist
University Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Administration, Semmelweis University