Letter of Support for the GEOC

To: Wayne State University Administration and Governors

RE: 2025 GEOC Contract Negotiations   

I am writing to you to express my support for the Graduate Employees Organizing Committee in advance of their upcoming contract negotiations with the university. 

I have seen firsthand the enormous impact graduate teaching and student assistants provide to students and staff. From running laboratories, to grading papers, to serving as instructors of record—graduate employees provide thousands of hours of vital educational support that keep Wayne State working. 

As a US News & World top #100 public university and Carnegie classification Research #1 university, Wayne State has earned its spot among the most prestigious universities in the nation. However, these rankings come with responsibility. This university must offer graduate workers the compensation and respect commensurate with our place among America’s premier educational institutions. 

Data published by the Wayne Academic Union showed a spending increase of $16 million on administrative salaries at Wayne State from 2021 to 2023 while academic staff salaries saw only a $4.5 million increase. I find this information deeply concerning. The mission of Wayne State is to educate and advance knowledge. Surely the chief way this mission should manifest is through more investment into the academic staff who actually facilitate student learning. And this includes the graduate employees who contribute 2,560 hours of teaching; 9,600 hours of research; and 500 hours of volunteer service to this university every day. If there is enough capital to invest in administrators, there should be enough to invest in academic staff too. 

I hope you will express my support for the GEOC to colleagues in your office, the Division of Academic Affairs, and members of the university’s bargaining team—and know that myself, and members of the University community, stand in solidarity with them. 


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