You have the opportunity to personalize a brick for yourself, your family, to honor a loved one, or to create a memorial.
2024 is a special year for the Somerset Elementary School (SES) Foundation- it's our 30-year anniversary!

Your brick purchase and donation will be a lasting symbol of Foundation funding towards the new playground and other critical school needs.
Bricks will be integrated into the SES grounds, representing the Foundation mission and vision of community well-being investment.  

Our Mission:  Investing to enhance the academic outcomes and well-being of the Somerset Elementary School community.

Our Vision:  To make Somerset Elementary School a premier academic institution known for excellence and fostering a nurturing environment.

Orders extended through September 20, 2024.  

Bricks will be installed Fall 2024 when it is feasible either during, or after, the new playground installation.There’s limited space so place your order as soon as possible.


  • The bricks are 4”x 8”x 2 1⁄4” 
  • Engraved using state of the art laser technology
  • Every brick engraving is guaranteed for life

TEXT:  You are permitted 2 lines per brick
  • Each line can have up to 20 characters which includes spaces and punctuation.
TAX DEDUCTIBLE:  All purchases are considered donations and are Tax-Deductible.

  • $250 :     Be a squirrel!  1 Squirrel symbol into brick.
  • $500 :     Be a super squirrel!  2 Squirrels symbols into brick.
  • $1,000 :  Be a mega squirrel!  3 Squirrels symbols into brick.
  • $2,500 :  Be a supreme squirrel!  4 Squirrels symbols into brick.
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Email *
What donation level is your brick(s) purchase? *
Your brick donation level will be marked into the brick with squirrel symbols as per above.  

Please let us know if you DO NOT want your donation level marked or known.
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If you are ordering more than 1 brick, how many bricks are your ordering? And at what donation level(s)?
What is your First Name?
What is your Last Name?
Please provide name(s) of Somerset ES students in your family as well as their graduating year.  
How are you affiliated with Somerset Elementary School (ES)?
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If other, what is your affiliation to Somerset ES?
I would like to hear about ongoing Somerset Foundation updates, events, activities and how the Foundation is giving back for the betterment of our school and community!  I consent to receiving upcoming emails from the Somerset Elementary School Foundation by marking "yes"
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BRICK #1:  What text would you like for the 1ST LINE of your 1st brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.
BRICK #1:  What text would you like for the 2ND LINE of your 1st brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.  If you are not ordering another brick please mark "N/A" or skip this section.
BRICK #2:  What text would you like for the 1ST LINE of your 2nd brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.  Please mark "Not Applicable" or "N/A" if you are not ordering 2 or more bricks.  
BRICK #2:  What text would you like for the 2ND LINE of your 2nd brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.  Please skip this if you are not ordering 2 or more bricks.
If you are finished with your order, kindly provide electronic payment using the link below or send a check payment (check payment information is below) and submit your order form. 

If you need to purchase additional bricks, let us know the total number of bricks you are buying. Please go to the END OF THIS FORM to enter your desired text for Brick #3 and/or Brick #4. If you are purchasing more than 4 bricks, provide the relevant information for the additional bricks in the section(s) below.
Please make your electronic payment for your brick(s) here: 
OR make a check payable to:

Somerset Elementary School Foundation 

You can mail your check to the address below:

Somerset Elementary School Foundation
PO Box 30764
Bethesda, MD 20824-0764

Is there anything else we need to know about your order?
BRICK #3:  What text would you like for the 1ST LINE of your 3rd brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.
BRICK #3:  What text would you like for the 2ND LINE of your 3rd brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.
BRICK #4:  What text would you like for the 1ST LINE of your 4th brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.
BRICK #4:  What text would you like for the 2ND LINE of your 4th brick :  You are allowed 20 Characters per line including spaces and punctuation.  Please check all spelling - the exact text you provide will be engraved into the brick.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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