CMALT Block Booking Form
This form is for ALT Organisational Members to request a Discount Code for CMALT Framework Registrations purchased in blocks of 10. The minimum purchase is a block of 10. Block Registrations can be for any combination of different pathway types however the total amount of registrations cannot exceed 10  in one booking. If you wish to purchase more than 10 registrations please apply for more than one Block Registration.

We will issue you with a unique code which you can give to your candidates and issue you with an invoice for the total payment less the discount as listed on the ALT website.   Candidates must then register via the ALT Website  and enter the unique code.

Block Registration Discount Codes will expire on 31 January of the current financial year. Please therefore ensure that all candidates register before this date as the pre-booked places cannot be rolled over to the next year.

If you have any queries please contact
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Email *
Current Fees
CMALT registration covers the accreditation process, assessment and re-assessment if required and remains valid for 2 years, or the next available submission deadline after 2 years. Please visit our web page for details of current fees.
What is the name of your organisation ? *
Does your organisation hold a current Organisational Membership of ALT ? *
Your Name *
Your Contact Telephone Number
CMALT Pathway Bookings
Please select how many of each pathway you would like to purchase for your candidates. (Eg: 1 x ACMALT, 6 X CMALT and 1 x SENIOR or 10 X CMALT etc)  You can book for any combination of pathways but cannot change once booked.  Block bookings can only be taken for a maximum of 10 at a time.  Please note we do not need the candidate names at this stage as they will need to register directly.
Pathway Block Booking
Candidate 1
Candidate 2
Candidate 3
Candidate 4
Candidate 5
Candidate 6
Candidate 7
Candidate 8
Candidate 9
Candidate 10
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Terms of Business - Financial Year End Expiry *
Please note that your Block Registration Code is valid for the current membership year only and all places must be taken up before the end of the membership financial year 31 January. Any unused registration places will expire and cannot be transferred to the following year. We will write  to you in advance of the end of the financial year to notify you of any places that may not have been taken up. Note: CMALT registration covers the accreditation process, assessment and re-assessment if required and remains valid for 2 years, or the next available submission deadline after 2 years. Please visit our web page for details of current fees.
Privacy Policy *
Thank you
Thank you for requesting a Block Registration Booking. We will aim to contact you within 5 Working days to provide you with your discount code and invoice. If you have any queries please email
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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