Bust-Up Mondays
$60 per slot, up to two slots per image. Streams are Mondays, 11am Central (GMT-5/6).

BUST/RIBS-UP ONLY. There is an extra charge for drawing stuff below the waist.
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Email *
Bust rushes are for personal, non-commercial use only. Don't re-package it. Don't re-sell it. Don't commission me expecting to use your piece in your game without telling me. If you *want* to use your piece in your game, tell me and we can discuss work-for-hire or licensing. But this will involve a contract and I really hate having to write those. So consider carefully.

Print your piece, color it yourself, use it as your phone wallpaper, whatever. Just please don't use it commercially.

Bust rushes are, like the title implies, bust/ribs-up only. These are meant to be short, sweet, and fun for all involved, myself included. Extra bits cost extra money for extra time spent.

Full-res files are delivered via email same-day, after the stream has concluded. Format is .jpg. Other formats cost extra.
A standard time-lapse of the whole stream (including any other pieces I do) is included in the base fee.

Extras (all prices are per character):

Genitalia/below the waist (thighs up): $30
Full body (specifically if you want me to make sure to fit the whole figure on the page): $60
Colors: Not available at this time.

Speech bubble: $5 flat
PSD fee: $5 flat
Extra body parts (arms from another off-camera character, etc.), detailed props, very detailed clothing: $15+ depending on complexity.

I don't do complex backgrounds on these, sorry.

Stream Conduct:

If you direct any wildly inappropriate comments or questions toward me or other viewers during the stream, I reserve the right to boot you from the chat and refund the commission fee less the cost of work done. Drawing this stuff for strangers on the internet already makes me a little nervous; please don't endeavor to make it weirder.

If you have any other questions, please address them in the comments section on the form.
Frequently Anticipated Questions (FAQ)
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: PayPal, Cash.me, and Zelle (US only).

Q: Anything you won't draw?
A: Pregnancy. Lactation. Macro/micro. Foot fetish. Hard kinks. Extremely disproportionate breasts (judged on a case by case basis, but if she looks like she'll have trouble brushing her teeth in the morning it's probably gonna be a hard no).

I'll add to this list from time to time as I think of specifics.

If you're not sure whether something will be allowed, ask first.

Q: Can I get my rush colored?
A: Not at this time, sorry.

Q: Will you draw my male character?
A: Yes.

Q: Will you draw his dick?
A: Yes, but it'll cost $30 extra. Same if you want me to draw any other character below the waist.

Q: But you draw boobs just fine.
A: Boobs aren't inherently a sexual organ. And boobs is boobs whether the character is male or female or otherwise.

Q: Will you draw trans or nb characters?
A: Yup.

Q: When do you deliver these?
A: Same day they're done unless I'm exceptionally tired afterward.

Q: How many slots do you take each week?
A: Two. More, if I'm feeling up to the task.
Who Are You?
Contact info so I can send you your stuff.
Name (Nickname or social media handle will suffice.) *
Contact Email (Where I send your pic.) *
Billing Email (Where I send your invoice.) *
What Do You Want?
Your character's name - OCs only, please. *
Brief description of your character's personality. *
Your character's refs - Up to five images. One URL per line, please. If you're submitting a gallery, please have your most relevant references at the top. *
How Do You Want It?
Mood - How you want the piece to feel. *
Action - What you want your character to do. *
Notes and Stuff
Any other important physical details I should know about your character?
Any extras? (Refer to the "Important" section above for prices.)
Other questions/comments?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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