Hot Spot Sign Up 2024-2025
Please complete per household if you need a hot spot
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As a guardian or student I agree to the following statements related to a loaned device for educational use at home.

1. I agree to follow the Acceptable Use Policies for Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School (SFACS) found in the Student-Parent handbook and on the school website (

2. I understand the device(s) is/are the property of SFACS and the school retains all rights to the hardware and software.

3. I understand I am completely responsible for the devices while checked out.

4. I agree to follow all SFACS regulations and policies governing the use of the device as well as all applicable State and Federal laws including copyright and intellectual property law pertaining to software and information.    
5. I agree not to remove or alter any SFACS identification labels attached to or displayed on the device(s), or to change identification within the device(s).

6. I agree to keep the device and district information safe and secure. (i.e. Don’t leave the device(s) in open view in your locked car, in areas of extreme temperature or humidity.)

7. I agree to report theft, loss, or damage to the device to the school office immediately and to the police in the case of theft.

8. I agree to deliver the device promptly to designated location for technical inspection, to verify inventory, or for other reasons when requested.

9. I agree to return the equipment at the end of the loan period to the assigned location or when my child(ren) withdraw from the school or graduate

10. I agree the district cannot guarantee wireless coverage.

11. I agree excessive use of the Internet, use beyond instructional purposes, or repair beyond normal wear may reduce or eliminate my access to a loaner device.

12. I understand I am responsible for monitoring and guiding my child(ren)’s activity at home.
I have read and understand all terms of the agreement.

13. I have discussed the agreement with my child(ren) and will support the school in guiding my child(ren) in using the device at home as an educational tool.

Lost or not returned: $80
Damaged or Stolen: $50
Parent Signature *
I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and accept the Terms & Conditions as stated above. (Enter your full name)
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Email Address *
Parent Phone number (###-###-####) *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student ID
Please check your email, text, or past report cards to locate your Child's PowerSchool Student ID. You can also email or call the school to obtain your Child's ID.
List Siblings attending Sankofa *
Separate by comma. Put None if no siblings
Student Grade *
Why do you need a hotspot? *
Upon approval, you will be contacted to pick up your hot spot.
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