Insight Garden Program Volunteer Application (Central CA)
Please fill out this form so we can better understand your interest in the Insight Garden Program, your relevant skills and experience, and the level of commitment you could make. Thank you!  For more information about the IGP, please visit
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Name *
Email *
Phone *
How did you hear about us? *
Website, Facebook, Twitter, Word of Mouth (if an IGP associate, please indicate who)
Gender *
Place of Birth *
What is your ethnicity?
Address: Street, City, State, Zip
Have you ever worked with people who are incarcerated?
If yes, where and for how long?
Have you ever worked with the formerly incarcerated outside of prison?
If yes, where?
What skills and experience could you bring to the Insight Garden Program? *
Are you available to join us at any of the prisons below? *
Have you managed or facilitated groups of over 20 people? *
If you are unavailable at these times or are interested in supporting the organization in other ways, what other skills could you bring to the Insight Garden Program?
How many hours a month could you volunteer your time and for how long? (with the understanding that "life" can get in the way!) *
What most interests you about the Insight Garden Program? *
What have you overcome in your life, either personally or professionally, that you think makes you qualified to work with our participants *
What would you like to take away from the experience? *
What has been your experience with connection to nature?  How has nature impacted your life? *
Thank you for your time! We will be in touch shortly
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