Google Analytics Data API Funnel Reporting Feedback
Funnel exploration functionality of the Google Analytics Data API lets you visualize the steps your users take to complete a task and quickly see how well they are succeeding or failing at each step. For example, how do prospects become shoppers and then become buyers? How do one time buyers become repeat buyers? With this information, you can improve inefficient or abandoned customer journeys. To learn more, see GA4 Funnel Explorations.

The new method runFunnelReport returns a customized funnel report of your Google Analytics event data. The data returned from the API is as a table with columns for the requested dimensions and metrics.

We'd like for you to take a few minutes to provide some feedback to help inform this effort. Thank you!
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How are you creating funnel reports? *
Some of the time
Most of the time
Using the Google Analytics UI
Using the Google Analytics Data API
What are your biggest pain points using Google Analytics Data API to create funnel reports?
Any specific feedback/requests that should be considered?
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