NSUAAA Member Registration Form
Join NSUAAA Now and & Unlock the power of your community to enhance your reach & reputation
      It’s building relationships...
      It’s advancing careers...
      It’s supporting fellow NSUers...
      and it's showing that you're a proud alum of one of the most prestigious private universities of Bangladesh!

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Email *
Full Name: *
Current Australian State / Territory: *
Suburb / Postcode: *
Phone number:
NSU Batch - Undergraduate degree (if studied):
NSU Department & Degree - Undergraduate  (if studied):
NSU Convocation Year - Undergraduate degree (if studied):
NSU Batch - Postgraduate degree  (if studied):
NSU Department & Degree - Postgraduate  (if studied):
NSU Convocation Year - Postgraduate degree (if studied):
Name of the Australian University (If you studied or currently studying in Australia):
Australian Degree and area of study  (If you studied or currently studying in Australia):
Current Profession: *
Industry/Sector you work or do business: *
Please list down your core skills or competence area (for example: Business Analysis, Project Management, Network Security, Strategy Consulting, ...): *
Workplace / Company: *
Length of total Experience: *
Do you like to join "nsuAAA Mentorship Program" as a Mentor? 
We highly recommend you to join the program and help your fellow NSU alumni in developing their skills & competences. For further information about Mentorship program please visit https://nsuaa.org.au/mentorship
Do you like to join Career Coaching Program and help your fellow NSU Alumni in getting a new job or changing a job: *
Do you have any products or services which you'd like to publish into nsuAAA Entrepreneurs directory to reach your fellow NSUers?  For further information please visit https://nsuaa.org.au/entrepreneurs *
What will make you proud to be a part of nsuAAA:
Please list down the activities you want nsuAAA to do for the NSU Community:
Do you like to attend Annual NSUers reunion/dinner on NSU day (An event to celebrate the day NSU started it's journey with NSUers and their family members)? *
Do you want to join Monthly NSU Alumni Catch-up on a Friday after work in a central location? *
Do you like to join fellow NSUers for regular sports or activities (i.e. Badminton, indoor soccer, running, cycling etc.) *
Your hobby and/or any sports you play:
Do you like to participate by contributing as little as $10/month to sponsor one NSU Undergraduate student's tuition fee (through NSU Financial Aid Department)? *
Do you like to participate by contributing as little as $10/month to a fund for supporting NSUers coming here in Australia for higher studies or any NSUers in need (i.e. treatment, family violence victim etc.) ?
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Are you interested to work with nsuAAA Working Group (a group of NSUers responsible for executing activities) or in any events/programs organise by nsuAAA? *
Any Comment or anything you'd like to say:
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